Mic, line, and instrument inputs
High-voltage, Class A, dual-transformer, vacuum-tube preamp
3 military-grade vacuum tubes
Input-source select
Variable mic-input impedance (150, 300, 900, 1,500Ω)
Variable high-pass filter (40, 80, 120 Hz)
8-position Gain switch
Variable Trim adjustment for final stage
48V phantom power
-20 dB pad
Polarity-reverse switch
Backlit VU meter (output level) with -6 dB switch (for metering hot signals)
>73 dB of gain
2 unbalanced ¼” instrument inputs (front panel)
2 transformer-balanced XLR line inputs
2 transformer-balanced XLR mic inputs
2 transformer-balanced XLR line outputs
2U 19” rack-mountable, rugged steel chassis
Internal power supply with standard IEC connector
Chassis-ground link connectors (lift chassis ground)

I recently used the ADL 600 on Justin Timberlake's new album with Timbaland. It has a really cool 'Now Sound' to it. I also sometimes run my mixes through it. The ADL 600 is happening! I have one at my studio and at Timbaland's.
Atlantic Records and Timbaland
Great recordings require great pre’s, and the ADL 600 is incredible,” he enthuses. “It’s my favorite studio piece; I have thrown everything at this beast! From blistering metal guitars and pounding kicks to the sweetest acoustic, it just seems to understand where I want to go and speak with a big, warm airy tone. With the switch able impedance even your cheapest mic will sound great. And when it comes to vocals, let’s just say the ADL 600 is perfect.
Rhythm and Lead Guitarist
The ADL 600 is the workhorse of the studio! I’ve used it for bass, guitar, vocals and saxophone and the sound has stayed consistently clear and warm. Rarely do I have to EQ. You want to the vocalist to sound like the vocalist and this doesn’t add colors like other preamps. The ADL 600 is one of the greatest preamps to come on the scene in a long time.
Producer, Drummer, Engineer
The ADL600 has an amazingly open sound with a nice high end, great character in the midrange, and a low end that extends past the horizon. It's a very well rounded preamp that works well with vocals, percusive instruments, and especially guitar. I seem to find a new application for it every day.
President of GVE Records